The terroir, this idea so French that the word has no equivalent in any other language.
The terroir is the genetic heritage of great wines. Without it, nothing is possible, but it is only truly revealed thanks to the work and persistence of men.
Indeed, without this attention and this passionate effort of men, never would a gravel mound, however "privileged" it may be, have become a great vineyard. It was necessary to choose the most adapted grape varieties, define the conditions of their cultivation, refine the winemaking and maturing techniques. This work lasted nearly five hundred years.
To bring fertility to the plants, we use winter sowing, which serves as green manure. It is a mixture of legumes and cereals that creates organic matter, promoting soil fertility.

Agriculture biologique & biodynamie
Les vignes sont conduites en agriculture biologique selon les principes de la biodynamie.
Ces pratiques répondent à des cahiers des charges bien précis. En plus de cela, nous mettons en place d'autres actions favorisant la vie de nos sols et diminuant notre impact environnemental. Valoriser le terrroir à travers le vivant...
La philosophie du Mas Llossanes est avant tout l'utilisation du terroir naturel, pour retrouver l'authenticité dans nos cuvées.
Depuis 2016, le vignoble bénéficie d'une culture biodynamique et biologique. Nous bannissons tout produit d'origine chimique et les vendanges se font exclusivement à la main. En vigne il est important pour nous de favoriser l'équilibre naturel de l'écosystème.

Family values at the heart of the adventure.
One of the main values of Mas Llossanes is family value.
Everyone is doing their bit to ensure the dynamism of the area.
Mas Llossanes is not just a wine estate, it is an adventure with several individuals sharing a common passion.